Alex Williford
BFA Graphic Design
There is one thing that’s universal in almost every piece and that is exploration. That very idea is what drives me to continue to make art. In my art, I strive to explore the idea of emotion. Whether it be in abundance of emotion or the lack thereof I find myself trying to convey that in my work. These emotions can range from happiness to emptiness. These feelings used to be found solely in human faces but now the idea of adding feelings to one’s environment has interested me as well. What’s truly important is that the artist can feel it too. Constant inspiration comes from reading books, magazines, or online articles. From there the next step is ingesting the newfound information and dissecting exactly the way it makes me feel. The materials used in my pieces also vary with topic. As of late I have been interested in finding imagery from old books and maps and repurposing it in mixed media collages. Concerning the future of my work I see really no end to this theme, only a continuing journey ever evolving into something new.
Instagram: @datalleycat