Jane Kaneakua
BFA Graphic Design
When I first started an art degree four years ago, it was a completely foreign subject matter. Creating art was something I had not been able to do since middle school and I was starting over again at almost thirty. After establishing some of the basics, I quickly discovered my love for typography, type setting, color, illustration, and art and design. It became a form of therapy and healing for my own past, especially when I could create hands on work. Moving forward, I see starting to create murals, more printmaking, and dialing in my hand lettering and illustration. And after several great discussions, I know that moving forward I seek to stop the spread of misinformation, give those a voice that don’t have one, and change the things I see in the design world that do not work. Somewhere, I will find the perfect mix of hands on versus desk work where I can use my skills to highlight issues that face our communities and show as many humans as I can that art can heal.
Website: https://janecurban.myportfolio.com/