Greyson File


BA Studio Art

My artwork and aerial dancing has been a way for me to come to terms with my body, my emotions, and the society I exist in. Most of my work consists of an image of me and a concept I reject or simply don’t understand. I frequently reference myself when creating my pieces to learn about my body and the way it works, as well as to come to terms with the way it looks and how it changes over time. I have always struggled with my self-image and I have been on a journey to view myself from an outside perspective. I want to understand myself how the people in my life understand me. There are a lot of things that I can’t make sense of. I don’t know what I look like or sound like. I don’t know what first impression I give off. I don’t know why my feelings are bigger than I can handle half of the time. I don’t understand why my gender identity is anyone’s business but mine. I don’t understand how we are so divided as humans, why healthcare isn’t a human right, or why a man can display his nipples but a woman is harassed for feeding her child in public. My work is a coping mechanism. It is a way for me to process reality and get a little closer to peace.

Verbatim - Video Link:

Instagram: @saturatinggrey and @goinggreyson