Raven Ritrovato


BFA Graphic Design; Certificate in Illustration

Art and design are a release of energy used to create pieces exploring how we’re feeling and the ways we think when we can not explain it with words. Day after day I am learning more about myself and the mindset as to what I am wanting my art to say about me, and through years of practice, I feel I am getting somewhere. I have found mediums I feel help me express motion and feeling including elements like color and texture.

Graphic Design has been a way for me to take a creative mindset and control my ideas in order to create a functional work that has unity in presenting the information it wants the viewer to see. Art allows me to be hands-on and demonstrates my unwillingness for patience but also open-mindedness to change. It allows me to relieve stress by having hand-created lots of scratching thick lines while using inks, or through fuzzy brushwork for foliage and clouds in acrylics. I feel being taught both subjects simultaneously has allowed me to express my creativity while still keeping me grounded.

Pieces of mine including, “Couples At-Home Workout” and, “Dawn to Dusk” combine the technical approach of a designer and the creativity of an artist by using hand-drawn elements and play with typography. In my pieces, I like to work with form through the use of symbolism as well as line work. I use these elements in my journey of self-identification and enjoy the projects that build my experience and talent up along the way.

Website: www.ravenritrovato.com