Sabrina Sykes
BFA Painting
I, as an artist, believe that paintings should showcase the world, as it could be and how it is. The world will always be a difficult place to live but showing what it could be.Navigating the world becomes easier knowing that others are going through something similar. Mainly working on canvas, with acrylic, gouache, oils, pens and multiple media. These media are a way to express the inspirations of the uncontrollable.
My main inspiration for my work is taking my experience of life and my beliefs. I want my works to show the struggle I have in life, while also showing all the humor I have in life. Sharing these thoughts and experiences, hopefully will show others that everyone is going through problems and difficulties. Maybe it is not as intense as others but we can all relate and understand each other and our differences.
For example, do you ever look at someone walking down the street and think they have a life that isn’t involved with mine, with friends and family and people they care about that I may never meet and have no idea have feelings that they can’t process. We think of ourselves usually as a lone individual filled with beings like us but we can never understand what it’s like to be them. Art is a way of connecting people and sharing a moment through their reactions. Though these reactions are different they are not less valid or incorrect, we are complicated things that live somewhere so small. we don’t understand but we believe in impossible things that exist without our knowledge. I want my art to at least have one being look at it and maybe share that moment with another, just a moment.
Can i take your order; acrylic, gouache on canvas; 36" x 36"
The Sad Boi City; photo collage; 24" x 24"
I'm Fine; acrylic on canvas; 10" x 10"
The Mask; gouache on canvas; 10" x 10"
The Stopping; acrylic on canvas; 10" x 20"