Michael Doherty
BFA Graphic Design
Psychedelia flows throughout my artwork and designs. It is one of the most prevalent themes to appear in my work. There is a common misconception that psychedelia was an isolated moment of time in history. The reality is that psychedelia hasn’t even reached its peak. I believe that it is important for people who have had psychedelic experiences to understand that they are not alone. I believe that psychedelic experiences can teach humanity that we are all connected. The destigmatization of psychedelia is one of my goals as a graphic designer. Psychedelics can help people find their purpose and truth in life. Artists who embrace their psychedelic experiences have the power to elevate the quality of life for the rest of humanity. Graphic designers and artist will be the ones who will visually communicate the truth about psychedelia.
Website: www.madtripdesigns.com
Instagram: @madtripdesigns and @mjdoherty94
080462; screen printing ink on canvas; 36" x 36"
Morlok; screen printing ink on cotton; 12" x 16"
Contact; screen printing ink on paper; 12" x 12"
Webster AIGA; vinyl sticker; 3" x 3"
031320; screen printing ink on paper; 8" x 11"