Joseph Souvannarath


BFA Time Based & Digital Media

I have been training consistently in movement practices that supplement my creative process. By dancing, stretching, running, lifting, and practicing martial arts, I am able to find my true self and open opportunities for healing. I have a better understanding of the unsupportive habits that take a toll on my mental health; I can move through them, letting go of trauma, and striving towards a place of self-love and clarity. I express the reflections and learnings I have achieved through my art mainly through video, performance, and drawing.My work has allowed me to further research my asian heritage and gender fluidity. Through performance and video, I can create imagery celebrating my Laotian culture and freely express my drag persona, Kapona. Drawing expands these notions, by allowing my imagination to flow, creating new worlds to where I can display all the colors and energies I feel inside.

Three Dragons - Video Link:

Home: Greenette Duet - Video Link:

Kapona Performance - Video Link:

Self-Embrace (Movement Process) - Video Link: