Colleen Jordan
BFA Sculpture
While exploring wood, metal, beads, and found objects and their characteristics, I find these materials help to give me an open mind and drive me to explore what I want to express in my art making. In my curiosity, I can explore layers of depths in understanding the piece and the process it took to create it. In this work environment, I am learning how to invite conversations wisely and work on finding clarity in my message and healing.
My creations share of my weaknesses in misunderstandings and disappointments I have had in life but most importantly emphasizing the process of being strengthened in the journey I am finding ahead. I move forward, in new interactions, relationships and mending old, in hope to create in me a new heart, perspective in my world and of the people around me.
Thank you, DADAH Faculty, for all your support, love, time and pushing the boundaries in my art making to help me become the artist I am today.
Instagram: @cmjordan97